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Monday, August 13, 2018

Troy Zoning Board of Appeals - July 31 2018 Meeting Recap

City staff has posted the video recording of the 7/31/18 Troy Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting to YouTube. At the bottom of this post is the video.

Click here to download the entire Agenda Packet from the July 31st meeting.

There was one item on the agenda. Actions taken on that item are listed below.
  • 2641-2651 Lovington. "An interpretation that Section 14.02 (A) of the Zoning Ordinance allows construction of a two family dwelling (duplex) on a nonconforming parcel that has less than the required width and frontage. If the interpretation is not favorable to the applicant, four variances are requested: 1) Parcel has 76 feet of width and frontage, 80 feet required. 2) Parcel is 7,220 square feet, 10,000 square feet required, 3) Total of two side yard setbacks proposed to be 14.25 feet, 15 feet required. 4) Front yard setback proposed to be 21 feet, 25 feet is required."

    The ZBA voted on two different resolutions on this item. First, the ZBA resolved that Section 14.02 (A) of the Zoning Ordinance does not allow construction of a two family dwelling (duplex) on a nonconforming parcel that has less than the required width and frontage. I voted yes on that resolution.

    Second, the ZBA then voted to deny all four of the applicant's variance requests. I voted yes on the motion to deny the variance requests.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Troy Trails July 2018

8/2/18 UPDATE: The official ribbon-cutting was yesterday (8/1/18). Since I wasn't able to attend the event, I've posted Mayor Slater's photos below that appeared on his Facebook page.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Troy Zoning Board of Appeals - July 17 2018 Meeting Recap

City staff has posted the video recording of the 7/17/18 Troy Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting to YouTube. At the bottom of this post is the video.

Click here to download the entire Agenda Packet from the July 17th meeting.

There were six items on the agenda. Three of the items were postponed to future meetings. Actions taken on the other three items are listed below.
  • 2831 Chippewa. "A request for a variance to allow a proposed addition to be set back 29 feet from the rear property line where the Zoning Ordinance requires it to be setback 40 feet."

    The ZBA voted to deny the variance. I voted no on the motion to deny the variance.

  • 2984 Hill. "A request for a variance to allow a proposed addition to be setback 20 feet from the rear property line where the Zoning Ordinance requires it to be set back 35 feet."

    The ZBA voted to approve the variance. I voted yes on the motion to approve the variance.

  • 4967 Crooks. "A request for a variance to allow rooftop equipment screening to be less than the height of the equipment being screened."

    The ZBA voted to approve the variance. I voted yes on the motion to approve the variance.