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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Troy Zoning Board of Appeals - March 2016 Meeting Recap

City staff has posted the video recording of the 3/15/16 Troy Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting to YouTube. At the bottom of this post is the video. (The meeting actually starts shortly after the 30 second mark of the video.)

Click here to download the entire Agenda Packet from the March 15th meeting.

There was only one item on the agenda:
  • A variance for 6714 Emerald Lake (to construct an addition to the house). The ZBA approved the variance. I voted "yes" to approve the variance.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Troy Woodland Protection Ordinance Adopted

As previously reported, the proposed City of Troy Woodland Protection ordinance went down to defeat at the 2/8/16 City Council meeting. The good news is that the City Council reconsidered that vote at their subsequent meeting on 2/22/16. After approving the motion to reconsider, City Council voted 4 to 3 to adopt a Woodland Protection ordinance.

Thank you to Mayor Slater and Councilmembers Abrahim, Campbell and Hodorek for voting to approve the ordinance. Also thank you to all seven members of the City Council for approving a resolution requesting that the Planning Commission consider an enhanced cluster option zoning text amendment "at the earliest possible date." This change might make it easier for developers to use land efficiently and still protect woodlands.

Click here to read the complete story in the 3/2/16 online version of the Troy Times 2/29/16 Troy-Somerset Gazette.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Troy Trail and Pathway Project Delayed Again

Here's an update to my 11/24/2015 blog post Troy Trail and Pathway Project "Reboot."

I had heard a rumor that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) had rejected the latest grant application for the Troy Trail and Pathway Project. To confirm the rumor, I sent an email to Troy City Hall asking for confirmation.

I received the following email from City of Troy Public Works Manager Kurt Bovensiep...
You are correct. We did not receive TAP Grant funding for the Trails and Pathway Project. MDOT’s response was that it seemed more like a sidewalk replacement program than creating new trails. I cannot say I disagree but I certainly did not think it would disqualify us. The Transportation Route that we applied for did call for the removal of sidewalks on major roads and replacing it with 10’ wide asphalt pathway. The width and other safety considerations is something MDOT requires, following AASHTO Standards. We are currently back at the drawing board to see if we can formulate another plan to satisfy the demand for a Trail and Pathway while respecting the privacy of our residents and making grant eligible.
You would think that the folks at MDOT realize that developing a trail system in a fully-developed municipality (like Troy) is going to require the utilization of existing sidewalks.

I guess I'll have to postpone that bicycle ride I was planning to take on the new pathway.