Friday, July 20, 2012

Christians and "God bless America"

I'm currently reading the book The Anonymous God, edited by David L. Adams and Ken Schurb.

In the chapter "Two-Kingdom Theology, Civil Righteousness, and Civil Religion," Mark E. Sell writes:
"God bless America!" How should a Christian understand this phrase? In the kingdom of the left it is good that citizens recognize a divine providence, a god. Thus they realize that there is something and someone more important than themselves, both individually and collectively as a nation. This realization promotes order in the world. It brings morals and, to a certain extent, civil peace, to a society. On the other hand, the Christian immediately will question: "Which 'god' is supposed to bless America?" The Christian knows that only the true God - the triune God - can bestow blessing. Despite the civic realm's false confession of a generic god, we know that it is the triune God who does bless America and all governments through the means of rulers, His ministers, or servants (Romans 13:4)...  (from pages 281-282)
Sell currently serves as a pastoral assistant at two congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

If you're wondering what is meant by the term "kingdom of the left," click here.

If you're pressed for time, Dr. Theodore Graebner summarizes the "Two-Kingdoms" below.
We are all citizens of two kingdoms. One is the kingdom of this world. Into it we are born; in it we sustain our bodies and do our work. The other is the Christian Church, in which we have become members by faith. In it we do our spiritual tasks; in it we pray, serve the Church, and do mission-work. This is the purpose for which we have been placed on earth.

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