Monday, November 3, 2014

Vote for the Other Guy

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 is election day. Over the past few days I've seen a sign on Wattles Road in Troy that encourages everyone to Vote Biblically. While I would agree with several of the "planks" in the platform of that group, I believe a better way to approach the election is to "vote for the other guy."

Yes I did post something similar two years ago, but it bears repeating.

I want to leave you with some quotes from Pastor Todd Wilken...
...I think that many Christians have unintentionally adopted a politics of self-interest. Their reasons for voting are more influenced by Voltaire, Adam Smith and Ayn Rand than by a Christian worldview or ethic. Perhaps you are one of these Christians. If you have adopted an every-man-for-himself, enlightened self-interest voting strategy, you most certainly are. I intend to show that these ideas have no place in the mind of a Christian voter...
Here's another quote from Wilken...
...It should go without saying that a Christian doesn’t vote for the same reason the unbeliever votes. A Christian doesn’t vote because it is his right. That’s why the unbeliever votes. For the Christian, his rights have nothing to do with it. A Christian doesn’t vote to get his way. That’s also why the unbeliever votes. For the Christian, getting his way has nothing to do with it. A Christian doesn’t vote to protect his own interests. That, again, is why the unbeliever votes. A Christian votes to serve his neighbor —period. This means that a Christian will sometimes vote for, and sometimes against his own interests, but a Christian will always for his neighbor’s interests. When the Christian enters the voting booth, the neighbor always comes first. In other words, the Christian doesn’t vote for himself; he votes for the other guy, his neighbor. The Christian doesn’t use his vote to serve himself; he uses votes to serve his neighbor...
These quotes come from an article by Pastor Wilken in the Winter 2012 Issues, Etc. Journal.

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